Welcome to the official website of the Los Angeles County Hispanic Managers’ Association


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We are proud to be of service in Los Angeles County! It is the mission of the Los Angeles County Hispanic Managers Association to:

Promote the development and implementation of County programs and/or operational procedures that improve the delivery of County services to the Hispanic community. Enhance County government through the development and advancement of Hispanic County managers. Improve the social, economic, educational and professional welfare of its members. Develop and establish internal relationships with County, State, and Federal department and district heads in an effort to promote management development programs for Hispanics. Establish formal lines of communication and relationships with other Hispanic organizations to coordinate efforts designed to achieve the overall objectives of the Association. The Association is committed to promoting excellence in County government on both a professional and personal level. Achievement of our mission includes support of enhanced training programs, mentorships, educational scholarships, and affirmative action advocacy. In support of the Association’s educational mission, the County Hispanic Scholarship Foundation has been established, with annual scholarships of $10,000. Thank you.

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